Hosting Halloween

Hosting Halloween

Posted on October 06, 2023

Halloween is often ranked as children’s second favorite holiday. And who can blame them? Tricks. Treats. And the magical ability to transform into their favorite hero, villain, or famous figure for one day a year.

There was a time when Halloween also meant large gatherings of little ghouls and goblins to showcase costumes and have fun with friends of all ages, and that tradition is slowly finding its way back into communities across the country. If this is the year you take the initiative to host a Halloween bash at your home, here are a few ideas to make it a party the kids (and parents!) will love. 

Be Inclusive

Nothing brings down the party mood faster than kids feeling like they aren’t included. While most of the kids might be the same age as your children, take some time to consider younger— and possibly older—siblings who might be at the party as well. A few activities designed to engage different age groups (and possibly even parents) will go a long way toward making sure everyone has a great time. You might even be surprised by how many older kids enjoy activities designed for the younger kiddos—and vice versa.

Get Creative

Bobbing for apples is a classic Halloween activity, but…it’s also a little dated. While your party doesn’t have to be hi-tech, try to think of activities that speak to today’s kids. A homemade photo booth with a printable digital camera will undoubtedly be a huge hit. Or, coordinate with neighbors and put together a scavenger hunt that teams up parents, older kids, and younger kids. The internet is full of fun activities that can be engaging for everyone, so don’t feel like you have to re-invent the wheel. A little time and research will give you more ideas than you could incorporate into ten Halloween bashes.

Provide Healthy Options

There’s no doubt that Halloween is all about the treats. But every parent knows that having kids jacked up on too much sugar is a nightmare scenario for everyone. It’s so tempting to serve cut-out cookies, sodas, caramel apples, and other festive delights, but when too many of these options are combined with the candy kids will almost certainly sneak out of their bags, it could be a recipe for disaster. Instead, provide some healthy options to counter the sugar explosion: ants on a log, carrot “fingers”, or using cookie cutters to make festive chunks of cheese and apple slices. They’ll put a smile on kids’ faces while making parents grateful for your foresight.


Providing a safe place for kids to enjoy Halloween might take a little effort, but it doesn’t have to be a huge production. Regardless of how extravagant or simple your party is, it will undoubtedly be appreciated by both the kids and their parents. And you never know what kind of trend you might set!


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