Mint Chocolate Crunch Ice Cream  Recipe

Mint Chocolate Crunch Ice Cream Recipe

Posted on July 31, 2013

If you spend any time at all on my blog you’ll realize quickly I have a bit of an ice cream obsession. I can’t help it. I blame my parents.

I grew up down the road from a dairy farm. We had milk delivered to our door step. We’d go meet the cows that gave us our milk and often, very often, we’d go have ice cream at the farm. Some of my favorite summer memories include that dairy farm, those cows and their ice cream.

Here we are in the heat of summer, so I thought it only appropriate that I share what has come to be one of my favorite ice cream recipes. Mint chocolate crunch.

Not mint chocolate chip. Mint chocolate crunch. I went ahead and replaced the typical chocolate chips with some chocolate crunchiness instead. I don’t think you’ll mind. Think chocolate shell topping IN your ice cream. For real. You’ll also notice it isn’t that bright pastel-y green color that you’ll find in the store. It’s ok. There’s no food dye in there. I promise it’s still good. I actually think it’s better, but I’m biased so I don’t count. You’re going to have to try it for yourself. What a shame.

Mint Chocolate Crunch Ice Cream Recipe

mint chocolate crunch ice cream

Cooking Directions
2. The chocolate sauce will keep in the refrigerator. Just melt it again in the microwave when you want to use it.

For the ice cream base:

  • 2 cups half and half
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 5 egg yolks
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1 bunch of mint (about 3/4 cup, leaves roughtly chopped or torn)
  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla

For the chocolate crunch:

  • 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  1. In a medium sauce pan stir the half and half, sugar, salt and mint together. Heat until the mixture simmers (about 10-13 minutes on medium heat). Turn heat to low.
  2. While the half and half is heating, in a separate bowl whisk together the egg yolks. When the half and half mixture is hot, slowly ladle about 1 cup of the hot mixture into the egg mixture while whisking. Once combined, slowly pour all of the egg mixture back into the pot with the rest of the half and half mixture.
  3. Heat for another 5-8 minutes on medium high heat while stirring constantly. The mixture should thicken. When it coats the back of a spoon, remove from heat.
  4. Place a fine mesh sieve over a bowl and strain the half and half mixture. I do this in my sink to be safe. Push any clumps through with a silicon spatula.
  5. Mix in the vanilla and cream with the rest of the mixture.
  6. Place the ice cream base in the freezer to chill completely before churning (at least 2 hours of chilling). Churn using manufacturers’ instructions.
  7. In a microwave safe bowl, melt the chocolate chips for about 1 minute, stirring after each 20 seconds until completely melted.
  8. When the chocolate is melted and warm, add in the coconut oil (it should be solid). Stir. The oil will melt into the chocolate and the mixture should become shiny.
  9. At room temperature this will be liquid. When the ice cream is churning and near the end of the process, use a spoon to drizzle in the liquid chocolate. As soon as it hits the ice cream it will harden into delicious crunchiness. Do this adding as much chocolate as you’d like. I had quite a bit chocolate sauce left over. Use it to top the ice cream or save it for another use.

Notes:1. You can’t really have too much mint. The more you add to the half and half the more minty it will be.

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