Passing On Positivity

Passing On Positivity

Posted on July 24, 2024

There is a power of positivity that can never be truly measured because positivity is like a pebble thrown into a still lake – the ripples it creates continue on long after the rock hits the water. The beautiful thing about this concept is that it doesn’t have to be a huge stone to create this ripple effect. Even the tiniest stone can send waves out into the world. It’s the exact same when it comes to spreading positivity in your community.

With the hectic, chaotic lives most of us lead, it’s easy to say that we don’t have time to spread positivity and make an impact in any meaningful way. But just like the stone we cast into the lake, even the smallest acts and gestures can have an impact – especially if we practice them regularly enough that they eventually become second nature.

Here are some simple ways for you to help spread positivity and joy every day.

  • Smile – Yep. That’s it. It doesn’t really get much simpler than that. Granted, some days are much easier to smile than others. That’s okay. We don’t have to walk around all day with a grin plastered to our face. Just make yourself smile at a stranger passing you on the sidewalk, or the person in the car next to you at the stoplight. Smile at someone for no reason at all. When you do, it’s rare that the person won’t return the smile. Even if they might not be in a happy place at that moment. Just like that, you might help that stranger find a little more reason to smile that day. And that might be enough for them to pass a smile on to someone else.
  • Show Gratitude – Like smiling, showing gratitude takes so little effort yet it can have profound effects – not just on the people you give it to, but to your own outlook on life. Say a genuine “Thank you” to the person who hands you your morning cup of coffee in the drive-up window, or bags your groceries. This small gesture shows them that you’re grateful for them and that they’re appreciated. How important is that simple concept for all of us? Two little words can make a world of difference for someone who doesn’t feel appreciated and can lift their spirits and give them a fresh outlook on what might have been a miserable day.
  • Random Acts of Kindness – If the person behind you in line only has two items while your cart is full, invite them to go in front of you. Hold the door open for someone. Instead of the customary 20% tip, give the waitress you can see is having a tough shift an extra 10 or even 20% and scribble a happy face on the check. Ask a co-worker how he or she is doing, and show them with your expression that you genuinely want to know. The possibilities are endless, and so are the impacts of these small gestures of kindness.

The power of positivity and kindness is contagious. The more you practice it on a daily basis, the more you’ll find you enjoy it and the easier it will be to spread it. It won’t take long before you look forward to every opportunity to cast your stone into life’s lake. And the more that happens, the farther those ripples will spread.

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