Perfect Imperfections

Perfect Imperfections

Posted on September 23, 2024

Many of us have grown up with the idea that perfection is the ultimate pursuit of life and the pinnacle of accomplishments. We strive for the perfect job, the perfect partner, the perfect vacation or party or friendship. We strive tirelessly for perfection in nearly every area of our life. While it is important to strive for personal growth, there’s a fine line between working to become the best version of yourself and working to achieve a perfect life that will never be attainable.

That concept of perfection that most of us have been brought up to believe in is a life with no flaws. No mistakes. No blemishes. Nothing but the best of everything. Not only is striving for this ideal an exercise in futility, it’s one that will inevitably lead to constant disappointment and feelings of inadequacy when we can’t achieve that which we believe we should be able to accomplish if only we work hard enough, or sacrifice enough, or believe in enough.

That isn’t to say that in our lives there won’t be moments of perfection. If we slow down and look for them, it’s amazing how often we’ll find them. And the more we search for them, the easier they’ll be to see. But there is a world of difference between searching for perfect moments and striving for lasting perfection.

One of the founding concepts of Buddhism is the idea of impermanence. By realizing this we can accept that those moments of perfection won’t last forever, but neither will those times in life that are far from perfect. By accepting this reality, it frees us from trying in vain to hold onto the ideal moments in life and gives us the grace to understand that even the most imperfect times of our life will pass. Instead of trying to cling to the good moments and change the circumstances that are outside our control, we can be free to simply enjoy the journey of life and all that it brings.

It isn’t a concept that is easy to accept. Like nearly everything else in life, it takes practice. But the more we can work toward progress rather than perfection, we can begin to appreciate the present and see the beauty in life’s imperfections, not just those magical perfect moments.

This practice also helps us find gratitude in every moment we’re alive. Even in life’s imperfections. After all, it is those imperfections that make each of us unique. Instead of working so hard to change them to try and fit in with the way society has made us believe we should be, we can embrace our differences for the gifts they are – gifts that make us unique. Gifts that make us special.

Our ability to do that frees us from the impossible pressures of conformity and allows us to be what we were always meant to be – our genuine, authentic self. Not only is that a gift to each and every one of us, it’s a gift that we can share with the world. By celebrating life’s imperfections, we gain the confidence to share our differences and unique perspectives with everyone around us. We get to offer the world something that no one else can. Ourselves.

And that’s a gift that all of us can find joy in. Not only when it’s received, but when it’s given.

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