The Planet zak! Project

Planet Zak
We understand that the world is big and complicated, and the challenges it faces aren’t just one-dimensional.
That’s why the Planet Zak Project, our sustainability program, combines a series of initiatives to support a healthy planet from four different directions. To our longstanding foundation of reusable products, we’re introducing new lines made with sustainable and recycled materials.
Through closer examinations of our sourcing and manufacturing operations, and by working with our retail partners, we’re ensuring that every step in our process, from beginning to end, is as green as we can make it.
We’re also offering aid to non-profits and charities that focus on helping the planet in other ways. And closer to home, we’ve encouraged eco-friendly practices for our headquarters and employees by providing recycling bins, reusable bottle refill stations, and incentives to reduce carbon emissions from travel. With these four pillars of the Planet Zak Project, we’re committed to doing our part in building a more sustainable future.

Corporate Initiatives
In addition to creating eco-friendly products for the world, our goal includes keeping our company environmentally conscious as well. Here’s what’s going on at our headquarters in Spokane:
Recycling Program: We keep separate bins for a variety of materials—including paper, plastic, cans, and batteries—all around the office, making it easy for employees to recycle.
Commute Trip Reduction: Through our commute tracking and rewards program, we encourage employees to reduce carbon emissions by walking, biking, taking the bus, or carpooling to work.
Energy Efficiency: By replacing lightbulbs with more energy-efficient LED lighting, as well as making small adjustments in day-to-day routine, we’re reducing electricity use wherever possible.
Sourcing & Manufacturing
Where we’re going is important, but the way we get there is just as vital to keeping our planet beautiful. We’re looking at all our factories to ensure that the sourcing and manufacturing processes are as responsible and sustainable as possible. We’ve also partnered with retailers such as Walmart and Target on their green initiatives. Together, we’re taking one more step toward reducing our environmental impact and creating products that are eco-friendly from beginning to end.