The Blog

Peach Strawberry Smoothie Recipe
Got a little too carried away and end up with way more fruit than you can possibly eat? Make fruit smoothies!
Chicken and Mushroom Alfredo Pasta Bake Recipe
In today's world, so many of us are looking for ways to put delicious meals on our supper table each night, while still staying in...
Lunchbox Sushi Recipe
It's officially back to school time and while I don't have kids, I used to be one so I figure that makes me an authority...
Throw a Messy Party!
Kids love to get messy! It's a fact! Well, I recently had an end of summer messy party. The kids were told it was okay...
One Dip, Three Chips Recipe
If you're a pita chip lover like myself, you can burn through a whole bag in a sitting and be left wanting more. Have no...
Swedish Meatballs Recipe
This is one of my favorite recipes! Alright, now I am not a left-overs girl AT ALL. Won't touch them! But, I make an exception...
Bugle Torch Snacks Recipe
I'm really excited. Not only is this my first blog post here on the ZAK Designs blog, but I also get to share a really...
Celebrating Summer with Zak!
This easy drink idea is perfect for summer and is sure to please everyone.
Cinnamon Rolls Recipe
Alright, so if you love Cinnabon, you will LOVE these! They are heaven on a plate and they will not last on your counters for...
Celebrate Independence Zak! Style
No Fourth of July celebration would be complete without a healthy dose of summer fruit. And while fruit is always fun, here's a way you...
Father's Day Banana Bread Recipe
There are few things that dad's like more than Banana Bread! Not only is it delicious, it's easy enough that kids of all ages can...
Spring Time Flower Food
Make mealtime fun with Flower Food! Use a heart shaped cookie cutter to cut the cheese and place it on Ritz crackers. Cut the celery...
Flower Snacks: A Great Snack Idea - Kids Snack Ideas
Are you looking for an idea for your kiddos to have fun while snacking? Check out this fun flower idea that will guarantee to put...
Dinner Bars
Summer is here and it's time to head outside, not only to cook dinner, but also to enjoy eating out on the patio. One of...
Cool Whip Strawberry Snake
First, cut the strawberries into slices but leave one whole for the snake's head. Spread Cool Whip on the plate in an 'S' shape with...